I Tried Using an App to Unlock Cabinets at Drugstores

Good morning. It’s Tuesday. Today we’ll find out about an app that lets customers open locked cabinets in three CVS stores in Manhattan without having to seek assistance from an employee. We’ll also get details on revenue for the first month of congestion pricing. The locked cabinet opened when I held my cellphone over the … Read more

After Public Clash Over Tolls, Hochul Tries to Persuade Trump Privately

Last week, after Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York had theatrically laid down a “Rambo”-inspired challenge to President Trump, she found herself in Washington, face to face with the president’s deputy chief of staff, Stephen Miller. They exchanged pleasantries that Friday morning. Ms. Hochul mentioned her desire to reschedule a canceled meeting with Mr. Trump. … Read more

Adams Sues Trump Administration for Return of $80 Million It Seized

The fallout, like Mr. Trump’s second term, was dizzying. Mr. Musk’s post quickly stoked outrage among conservatives over the use of taxpayer dollars on migrants. The following day, the Trump administration fired four FEMA officials, including the agency’s chief financial officer. And the day after that, on Feb. 12, the city’s accountants made a surprising … Read more

Congestion Pricing Reduced Traffic. Now It’s Hitting Revenue Goals.

New York’s congestion pricing plan raised $48.6 million in tolls during its first month, a strong start for the program that exceeded expectations and kept it on track to raise billions of dollars for the region’s decaying mass transit system. The revenue figures, expected to be released publicly on Monday by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, … Read more

A Historic Black Newspaper Gets a Museum

Good morning. It’s Monday. Today we’ll look at a museum that celebrates the way a newspaper in Harlem used to be written and edited. We’ll also get details on New York State’s decision to cut off funding to two private Hasidic Jewish schools in Brooklyn. Right now there is not much to see in the … Read more